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Year 2005 No. 27, February 21, 2005 ARCHIVE HOME JBBOOKS SUBSCRIBE


The Responsibilities of the Anti-War Movement Lie in Britain

Workers' Daily Internet Edition: Article Index :

The Responsibilities of the Anti-War Movement Lie in Britain

Daily On Line Newspaper of the
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The Responsibilities of the Anti-War Movement Lie in Britain

As the likely general election approaches, many activists in the anti-war movement are giving serious consideration as to how to further develop the anti-war struggle, block any further wars of aggression and bring the warmongers to book.

It is not surprising, in this context, that many views are put forward as to how best to achieve these aims while strengthening the unity of anti-war activists and avoiding splits and disintegration of the movement. Central to these goals is the recognition that the responsibilities of the anti-war movement lie in Britain, in condemning the warmongers, blocking the drive to reaction and war and fighting to organise for and bring about an anti-war government.

The primary responsibility of the movement against war and violence is to confront and change the unpleasant reality that the present British government is made up of warmongers and profiteers who have set the country on a course of war and aggression which violates international law and is a threat to world peace. It is the responsibility of the anti-war movement to work out what steps are needed to change this reality and to work flat out to unite people from all walks of life and all political persuasions in Britain to try to achieve these changes. Obviously, such goals will only be achieved if the movement firmly rejects any calls for a sectarian or chauvinist approach. This needs to be the central focus of the anti-war movement and it should not allow itself to be diverted from this goal, regardless of the pressure exerted on it from different quarters to do so.

The immediate aim of the anti-war movement is to get the British government, which is illegally occupying Iraq, along with the US other occupying forces, to immediately and unconditionally end their occupation of that country so that the Iraqi people can decide for themselves what political and social system they want in their country. There is no room in the anti-war movement for colonialist and paternalist notions that the Iraqi people need foreign guidance in order to help them "make the right choice". Sovereignty means that people decide for themselves and the anti-war movement must as a matter of principle uphold the Iraqi and all other peoples' right to sovereignty. It is the responsibility of the working class and people in this country to reject absolutely the chauvinist notion that the British government should act as the "conscience" of the world, and pursue a modern-day "civilising mission" against "tyranny", that casts British intervention as the "good" guys and so-called dictators as the "evil" guys.

Conciliation with the aims of the warmongers takes place when it is conceded that Anglo-American democracy is a "norm" by which any social system should be measured. Tony Blair is sensitive on this question and the attempt is made by New Labour to suggest that there can be no other definition of democracy than this "official" definition, which equates the whole system of "representative democracy", the whole electoral kit, with genuine rule and decision-making by the people. This and only this receives the accolade of "free elections". Thus the Iraqi elections under the gun of the occupying forces are defined as "free", while elections under whoever the Anglo-Americans decide are tyrants or sponsors of terrorism are defined as "dictatorship".

In carrying out its work to put a stop to the warmongering course on which the British government is set and to put an end to the illegal occupation of Iraq, the anti-war movement cannot allow the warmongers and their apologists to set its agenda, to determine when condemnations should be issued and when not. In any event, the main condemnations must be issued against the warmongers in the British government who are responsible for war crimes, mass killings and torture of the Iraqi people. Therefore, in this context, the anti-war movement cannot accept the view of those who argue that the best way to put an end to the occupation of Iraq is to "campaign for the return of the present Labour government" who are precisely the enemies of the anti-war movement and the self same warmongers who unleashed the aggression against Iraq, who have been involved in seven wars of aggression since 1997 and who are now issuing threats against Iran. Nor can the anti-war movement adjust its strategy for the upcoming election so as to facilitate the pro-government campaigning of such forces, on the basis of their threats that unless it does so, there will be a split and they will take their "12 million union members" with them.

The anti-war movement can achieve its goals if it recognises that its responsibilities lie in Britain, if it upholds the principles of self determination and sovereignty for the world's peoples, does not conciliate with the warmongers and their apologists and approaches its work in a mature and non-sectarian manner. This will contribute to bringing the warmongering course of the government to an end and the warmongers brought to book.

Fight for an anti-war government!

Against the war on Iraq!

Against the use of force to settle international issues!

Condemn the chauvinism of the warmongers!

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