Workers' Weekly On-Line
Volume 50 Number 6, February 22, 2020 ARCHIVE HOME JBCENTRE SUBSCRIBE

Public Meeting

Prevent and the Criminalisation of Protest

Organised by: Stop the War & CND

Thurs 27 Feb | 18:30-20:30
Hamilton House
Mabledon Place
London WC1H 9BD

Speakers: Lowkey, Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott, Kate Hudson from CND, Lindsey German from Stop the War, Ben Jamal from PSC, as well as contributions from Greenpeace and Stand Up to Racism

In January 2020, organisations and protest groups campaigning for peace, environmental justice, human rights and animal rights, and against racism found themselves listed in a police counter-terror document. It is part of an alarming pattern of attacks on civil liberties and the right to protest.

The state, under the guise of tackling terrorism, is increasingly surveilling and monitoring individuals and groups engaged in legitimate political and democratic processes. If this massive state overreach is not confronted, we run the risk of losing further democratic freedoms that we presently take for granted.

The campaign groups on the front line of these attacks have demanded that the police counter-terror document is immediately rescinded and repudiated, and are calling for an independent review of the Prevent strategy.

Join the organisers for a discussion on this dangerous threat to the progressive movements and be part of the campaign to fight back.


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