Workers' Weekly On-Line
Volume 50 Number 29, August 1, 2020 ARCHIVE HOME JBCENTRE SUBSCRIBE

Nurses Upsurge Against Pay Injustice

NHS Workers Say No! to Public Sector Pay Inequality

NHS Workers Say No! to Public Sector Pay Inequality

NHS workers across Britain are organising a wave of protests on Saturday, August 8, demanding a 15% pay increase paid from December 1, 2020, in order to start recovering a decade of lost wages, Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) reports.

The organisers say: "We are calling on NHS staff and supporters to join us to send a clear message to the government. We do not accept your plans to exclude us from the public sector pay increase, and we will make ourselves heard until you listen."

An online rally will also be taking place from 11am to 2pm for anyone who cannot join outdoor protests.

For a list of the dozens of events organised across England, Scotland and Wales, see:


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